Jack In and Enjoy: Don't try this at home !

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Don't try this at home !

Ok, you might feel that sometimes you eat too much, then you might feel guilty doing bad things to your own body. In fact, you don't have to worry about your weight at all. If you think eating can give you so much fat, well then, take a look at this chap from Japan. His name is Takeru Kobayashi, he just won the Nathan's Famous frankfurter eating contest held each 4th of July at Coney Island in New York, for the fourth time!

In 2001, was his first performance where he ate 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes! This time, he claimed the position as winner with 53 and half hot dogs in 12 minutes! Good God! If you see his pictures, you might wondering where the hell did he put those 53 buns and full-size sausages. He's pretty slim for a guy who can 'swallow' more than 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes. LOL! Like what I suggested before, please don't try this at home, you might got choked to death before you finish your fifth bun hehehe... Oh, read the full story about it.

Are you following the news about Cassini's trip to Saturn? NASA has a big interest about one of Saturn's moon, Titan. Why? Scientists believe the moon could have chemical compounds much like those that existed on Earth billions of years ago before life appeared.

To sum up the crap and long explanation, they sent Cassini to Titan because it's likely that Titan is almost as 'friendly' as the earth. Well, not now, but maybe later... we assume if we don't blow ourselves up with those freaking nukes and warheads, we might get a chance to explore the universe more and open colonies.

Getting sleepy, catch you all later!


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