Jack In and Enjoy: Welcome to the future!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Welcome to the future!

Ok, here's the thing, while Mijung is still busy with her magnificent narcissistic promotion and mijungism, let me enlight you with some minor facts hehehe...

But before we proceed to the next step please be aware that this 'enlightment' are made only for those who are:

1. Just recovered from a bad alzheimer and need to catch up with fast facts; OR
2. Just woke up from a long long coma and you really have no idea about what is happening

If you are one of those, please read on. For those who doesn't fall into any of those category, you can enjoy this and increasing your intelligence level. If you feel that you're smart enough, need no more 'teaching' and think this just gonna waste the time, then please see this section. Hehehe.. Ok then.. shall we?

Amazing dumb facts:

1. You're in year 2004, yes it has not many differences but no, you can't fly to Mars yet

2. U.N still exists even its functions become pretty dull now

3. USA is now consisting of 51 states. The newest one lies deep inside Middle East. It used to be Iraq, no new name for the state has been announced

4. John Howard just won his fourth leadership by beating up ALP (again), no sign has been given yet of how long he's gonna be up there hehehe

5. Superbowl XXXVIII was won by the mighty New England Patriots. They met Carolina Panthers. Final score: Patriots 32 and 29 for the Panthers. It was a close call :D

6. George W Bush has won his second term in White Blouse House. Leaving his rival John Kerry in a tight 'fight'. 51% - 48% aka 59,459,765 vs 55,949,407. If you are happen to be a strong supporter of the winning president, please enjoy and join the majority

7. The last World Cup was held in 2002 in Japan & Korea. The big party was made at the final between Germany and Brazil. The Samba Team aka Brazil took the cup home with final score 0:2

8. Michael Jackson is still a white girl and jailed for sexual molestation to under age kids

9. Elvis Presley died by the age 42 on August 16, 1977. He's still dead until now, sorry..

10. This thing you're using called Internet. It connects your computer to a big network (yes you can call it The Matrix if you want), through your phone line. Yes you can shop on the Internet but no you cannot kill your friends from the Internet. at least not yet :D

11. We are now waiting for Star Wars Episode III, where surely this time the Jedi Knights will get a really hard kick in the ass

12. You are now living in the age where pizza delivery arrives faster than police. I know this is quote made from someone famous but I dunno who, can't remember. In fact the alcohol might already poisoning me tonite hehehe..

Ok, no more silly thing. That's all I can make for today at least =P Hopefully you won't think this is damn silly and just a waste of your precious time by reading my posting in here. Sad but true..

Disclaimer: This information is solely gathered and provided for personal use only. No education organization nor formal; non-formal should take this as their reference. The content might just some silly opinions made by a damn drunk internet junkie who may can't even spell your names correctly. I DO NOT work for any government nor any non-official government bodies. I'm not a non-official cover (NOC), neither an intelligence agent. I'm not a member of any opposition party or underground movements nor terrorist groups. I merely belong to this world so-called internet as a junkie hehehe..

Ok ok, no further delay, I'll let you back doing what you were doing and have a nice day. What do you expect? I'm bored and half drunk =P

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Benjamin Franklin


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