Jack In and Enjoy: Officer down! Medic! (Paintball 2004)

Monday, December 06, 2004

Officer down! Medic! (Paintball 2004)

About a week ago I got an invitation from Mr. Z to play paintball. So yesterday, Sunday 5th December, we went to the designated meeting place. We arrived there about 0845, and waited for the others, at 0920 everyone was there, 28 people showed up. Not bad huh, the bigger the merrier hehehe..

So the organizer guy showed up and took us to the 'killing field'. We got a short briefing about safety and rules to play the game. Then everyone started to get their gears. Basically they gave us an overall suit to protect our clothes from paint and dirt, mask to cover the vital area of our face, and some other guys they bring their own gloves.

Then we were devided into two groups, odd numbers and even numbers. We started playing about 0945 I guess. I lost count how many games we did yesterday. I only remember some scenarios such as Capture the fag Flag, General, Satellite Disk, etc, etc. It was very fun tho, because at first I felt a bit uncomfortable as I only know two people hehehe.. but it turned up very well. I made some frags in every round. 4 frags is the most I could make from one round hehehe..

The sh_t thing was that the guns have crappy aiming. No matter how steady I tried to aim it, the paint bullets keep running everywhere. It's too low sometimes, and sometimes it runs too high, etc. But that what makes the game fun anyway. We got a lunch break aroun 1330, mainly just hotdogs anyway. But all of us just need rest and drink. Forcing yourself to run, hop, crawl, squat, etc in four straight hours is just wrong hehehe.. I don't do sports anymore so my body is not familiar with all of these sudden rush. I was breathing like a freaking horse that just finished one long day of orgasm hehehehe.. We all were sweating because the weather was getting warmer and we had to keep our overall and mask on while we were on the field. Some poor guys forgot about this and they had to stand in front of the firing squad. Five players were allowed to shoot him from 10-steps distance kekekeke... it's just nasty, trust me.

Anyway, during the in-game time, I got a chance to check if I got some wounds hehehe.. I had so many bruises now about 8 of them. Only one that is... ermm.. fatal :P The first hit that hurt me was on my fingers. I was taken out by our enemy and I was about to get out from the field when someone from my group was shooting at the enemy but silly me, I walked into his firing line. It hit my fingers so hard, it bleeds for a while and I couldn't use my right hand. It was shaking and I felt so weak lol.

But that's not all, here is the best 'wound' I got so far. Caution, some of the user might find this pictures disturbing :P


(Click here to enlarge the picture)

D-Day, after shower:

(Click here to enlarge the picture)

D-Day plus 1:

(Click here to enlarge the picture)

Kekekeke it is a bad bruise and pretty swollen. I got it from two shots in two different games but weird it hits at the same spot. Whoa someone has a really good markmanship. Some other minor bruises are on my elbow, chest, hips and left arms. The other players were shocked when they saw it hehehe.. Oh well, that was my first time playing Paintball and it was worth to play and get some little wounds tho hehehe.. Definitely won't be my last time I play it.

Quote of the day:
Paintball marker rent: $25
700 round paintball bullets: $110
Extra round bullets: $15
Getting two shots in two different games but hit at one same spot: Priceless

LOL! That's all folks!


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