Jack In and Enjoy: March 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

One Month Old!

Last week we celebrated the anniversary of our daughter, she was 30 days old. It was not only marking her age but as well my survival being a dad lol! We were preparing for the food and we also ordered some pretty tarts with her pictures on them. Clarissa was so excited, even she couldn't say it but we KNEW that she was. Usually, after morning bath, she falls asleep, but not that day! Not at all. Since morning she was truly awake. She knew that she was the queen of the party!

And because everyone wanted to hug her, she was excited that she didn't sleep at all. So she kept awake until about 5 p.m. then we decided to take her into our room because she was tired. She slept so well the whole night, only awake one time I guess asking for milk around 4 a.m. She is getting bigger now and people keep saying that she looks like Liv, the others said she looks like me. Even some of them said that she looks like my sister-in-law. I guess we have to wait a while until we know whom she really looks like hahaha..

Now she could see further and further, and every morning she refuses to sleep. She wants to see things like bottles, paintings, hanging lanterns, fan on the ceiling, etc. I guess she was curious and attracted with those colorful things. We also found out the she could sleep with white noises. However, she also would easily startled with loud noises. She also now knows the difference between days and nights. It's a good thing tho that she sleeps longer during the night. But it has been her bad habit that she doesn't want to be put in bed. She always want to sleep in someone's arms. For a few minutes, this is ok, but after 30 minutes or so, your arm could go numb.

Anyway, I'm off now. Will put the pictures next time.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I Need To Put A Title????

Last night I got myself a chance to have a short chat with one of my friends. I've known her for years and we met through an IRC channel. She really made me realize that time flies, and sometimes it's a lot faster than you think. I could still remember those days when I was still actively involved managing an IRC channel on DALnet server.

At that time, we usually had around 8 to 12 people at a time. I accidentally stumbled into the channel during my first months of using IRC. Soon, we actually had some little gathering (only about 8 or 9 people) and the channel's owner gave me an authorization to manage the channel on her behalf. The channel's main purpose was to gather any Indonesian student who was living and studying in Perth, Western Australia.

I was really trying hard to maintain the channel to be occupied with more people and friends. As I was also into the mIRC scripts and bots, I was able to build my own bots. Bots are automatic program that can do a lot of things, from replying a message, greets users to stand guard the channel against spammers, and also provide some games and entertainments. So there we were, expanding and the number of visitors were growing fast. With the helps of my other friends, we were able to have about 80, even during weekends we could have about 120+ users. It was one of my glorious Internet moments LOL.

Anyway, I (or I should start use the word "we"), we were able to do more gatherings. Bbq parties at Millpoint during weekends, continued by going to the cafe afterwards, or catching movies, etc. Truly, we had a bonding more than just virtual friends, some of them, like me, have been friends until now, some had became a very close friend. Even we don't chat much as we have our own hectic days, we still keep in touch with each other. I would not be very proud with I had done with the channel, as there were also disputes and most of us were involved. That's the thing I'm not proud of.

And now, with the vast arrays of community website such as FriendsterFacebook; and MySpace, keeping touch with friends have never been easier. 

We have to be very grateful for we still have the chance to access the Internet. Its revolutionary of information sharing systems have brought another dimension of human's interaction. Friendship over the Internet is no longer seen as a weird thing, people even end up in a marriage with people they met on the Internet. We learn how to interact, communicate, even we learn how to fall in love over the Internet. Indeed, it is an amazing tranformation on how we communicate these days. So people, expand your horizons, take your chances, who knows that your soulmate or best friends are yet to be found on the Internet.

Next time I will upload the latest picture of our daughter, Clarissa. She'll be 30 days old on the 9th April.

"Each friend represents a world in us; a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only in meeting them that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Little Update

Yesterday, our ISP suffered a massive blackout throughout the country. Their fiber optic network was cut-off due some unxeplained incidents. I called them in the morning (for those who know me well, this is not something new!) hehe.. and they said that the fix was still undergo and hopefully by mid-day everything would get back to normal. But it took more than just some hours, until midnight last night, the only site I could browse was my ISP homopage homepage.

This morning I could access my Internet again. I did some couple updates on my blog such as changing the friend list, I also removed the media player tool which used to play a song. This time I really hope that I could post entries in a more regular manner.

Anyway, another cloudy and rainy day again today. Trying to write some poems but I'm afraid it's gonna be another gloomy one hahaha.. Maybe I should try to listen to some warm-hearted songs hehehe...