Where Am I?
Well, well, now I'm back in Indonesia. Currently I'm staying in Jakarta. Many things have to be taken care of hehehe... it's actually good to be here after all those years I've spent abroad. At least now I can taste how it feels living in a forsaken land where things that are wrong seem right, and vice versa lol.
The weather is ok down here, still humid. On average, it's range between 70% to 92% humidity. Yes, we are very tropical down here. The good thing is for the last couple months I had been living in Beijing where the weather is no different than here. Nothing changes here, the capital town is still crowded, with bad traffic jam, and very high air & noise pollution. It's pretty bad that if Michael Jackson has to spend just one day in Jakarta, he would suffer a comma and respiration problems. Aside from the melting nose hehehe..
So now I'm only on dialup, and it's suck big time. Loading websites could take minutes or sometimes timed out :( Oh well, life must goes on. What I enjoy the most at the moment is the food (even though eating out is also costly now), and the ease of getting games hehehe..
Last week I went up to Hanamasa with some friends, then we head out to a karaoke place. It was fun! Oh, I have to find the contact details of my old friends. It's quite a challenge as many of them haven't talked or contacted me for more than 5 years. I just found my Year Book the other day, I might need the help of my close friends to gather all of the information.
I guess that's it for now. I try to write more often from now on. Take care and have a good one!