Jack In and Enjoy: *yawn*

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Well, it's Saturday. It's fine weather. It's a comfortable day. And it's day of relaxing. Maybe I should go to Freo, enjoying some fish and chips, enjoying the day. Hehehe..

Now I'm at the campus, while Liv is trying to finish one of her assignments. Nothing much happening lately tho. We've got new DVD Burner Dual Layer for $95 (or around that price). So we can freely burn files -in bigger size- to fit into one disc. Got another 4 trials for computer games. One of them is EverQuest 2 and Mourning. And as I don't have anything special to be told today, so let me talk about computer games hehehe..

EverQuest 2, being developed by Sone Entertainment Online, covers some comprehensive hallmarks. One of them is the details of characters' appearance, the sway of trees, the foaming beach. Everything is ellegantly designed to give a touch of real experience. It took me about 20 minutes just to design my character appearance, a rare thing that can be found among other online games. Its world is massive, offers not only hundreds of hours of exploration but the vivid mystery of unknown terrains, unknown creatures, and quests. Talking about quests, they're superbly designed so while you doing them, you can learn more about the game, its history, its famous heroes and legends, its infamous evil myth, etc.

I like it tho. Since I play Star Wars Galaxies, I fell in love with SOE's designs. If you like playing RPG, and want to try it online, go fetch one of its copy.

The other one is Mourning. I've been waiting for this since last year, beginning of last year. I have been queueing up for their closed beta testing (which I missed) LOL. So this morning when I checked my email, I got an offer to download the client and try it. I gotta check the client tonight. Oh, we got shaped into 64Kbps! OMG, that the second time for the last two months hehehe.. It seems 80Gb download quota is not enough for us hehehe..

Anywayyyyy, gotta go now. I'm hungry! Me hungry! See you all later. Have a nice weekend!


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